Teen Resources

Frequently Asked Questions About Teen Therapy

Let’s face it, teenagers can be tough to understand, talk to, and relate with, which means that this time of change and transition not only affects them, but it affects you too. Between peer pressure, identity development, mood swings, academic demands, friend drama, stress and relationship and intimacy issues, it can only be expected that challenges and struggles sometimes exist in this stage of development.

Teen therapy offers many different benefits. For starters, meeting with a patient and understanding TherapyWorks teen therapist not only provides your teen the opportunity to express him or herself in a safe and confidential environment, but it can also help them make better sense of their current struggles. It provides your teen or tween the chance to identify unhealthy choices and make positive decisions instead. Furthermore, teen counseling sessions encourages better self-understanding and generally results in improved relationships with friends, family, and everyone else important to your teen’s happiness.

Some teens may be hesitant about talking to a therapist or coming in to therapy all together. Don’t worry; this can be expected. However, helping your teen better understand the process and the many benefits of talking with a counselor can definitely help. In general, providing an explanation that is concrete, positive, and not overly detailed can be helpful. Additionally, you may wish to describe the therapist as an expert in helping teens feel better and be happier day to day. If you are having concerns about getting your teen to come in for their first appointment, please let us know. We can give you specific pointers on how to make your teen more comfortable based on his or her individual situation.

Downloadable Resources

Mental Health Check-Up For Teens

Suicide & Crisis Support For Teens

Health Habits For Teens

Helpful Articles

The Importance of Mental Health For Teens

Teens are going through a lot of changes, both physically and emotionally, and it’s important to make sure they have the resources they need to stay healthy. There are a lot of things that can affect a teen’s mental health, such as stress, anxiety, depression, and peer pressure. It’s important to be aware of these things and to know how to deal with them.



Teen Social Skills

How would you like to get along even better with others in your family, in relationships with friends, and at school? Getting along well with people sounds kind of general and is difficult to do much about, so let’s break it down into some manageable and specific skills. By building the following skills, you will get along well with others.


Grieving Teens

The grieving process of recovering from loss is always difficult. The grief process applies to all kinds of losses—loss of loved ones through death and divorce, losing a job, moving to a new place, losing a friend. These experiences are difficult for everyone, teens included. Here is what to know if you have a grieving teen.


Whenever you’re ready, here are ways we can help: